Cefi College


IV Cine CEFI - Movie: "After Lucia"

Discussion on BULLYING with Carolina Saraiva de Macedo Lisboa Psychologist by PUCRS, has a Masters and PhD at UFRGS, with internship at the University of Minho in Portugal. Carolina is also Coordinator of Commissions of this Federation. She works at the clinic serving children and adolescents and regularly consults schools. In the area of ​​childhood and adolescence, she has been researching and conducting interventions directed to the phenomena of bullying, cyberbullying and the impact of technologies and digitality on behaviors and cognitions. She is also a Professor of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Psychology and coordinator of the Specialization Course in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy at PUCRS and coordinates the Research Group Interpersonal Relations and Violence: Clinical, Social, Educational and Virtual Contexts - RIVI.

Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/events/1648129602143661/