Cefi College


CineCEFI III: Family Name

Transgenerationality is crucial in the systemic approach, whether in family, couple or individual approaches. Family identity is transmitted through their legacies and rituals; expressed by their values, beliefs and myths and united by their loyalties. Appropriating transgenerational themes is a key aspect for individuals to become protagonists of their history and not to automatically repeat their family plots.

Thus, the third edition of CineCEFi brings the theme of trangerationality illustrated by the screening of the movie Family Name (Namesake, 2006) which talks about a couple of Indian immigrants going to the USA in the 1980s. During its history cultural differences and dilemmas are encountered as to which identity aspects of the country of origin will be retained and which of the American culture will be aggregated.

Discussion afterwards will be facilitated by psychologists. Marina Zanella Delatorre (UFRGS) and Dr. Patricia Scheeren (UFRGS).

Date: July 11th, 2016

Film Screening: 2pm - 4pm

Discussion: from 4 pm to 5 pm


- Daniel Bratta Mazzali CRP 07/21353
- Claudia da Rosa Muñoz CRM 30457
- Trainee Team (Camila Canani, Graziela Dengo, Luana Biagini, Luisa Bier, Marjana Siqueira and Virginia Buzzacaro) < / p>

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