Cefi College

DBT PE Study Group

DBT PE Study Group

Hello! I am Vanessa Stechow, a specialist psychologist in contextual behavioral therapies and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT).

I was recently conducted intensive training in DBT PE-prolonged DBT exposure protocol for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with Melanie Harned and Annie McCall. Melanie was the creator, researcher and creator of this method of trauma treatment with dialectical behavioral therapy. Protocol this focused on patients with high risk and multiple diagnostics.

In the same training was launched the melanie book translated into Portuguese: "Treating trauma with dialectical behavioral therapy" (Harned, 2023).

Thus, from my experience I felt motivated to form and facilitate a group that aims to study this book. My commitment is to provide exchanges, contribute to my understandings and be willing to learn from everyone.



Study Group aimed at psychologists and psychiatrists with the objective of reading, exchanging and deepening the prolonged exposure protocol of DBT for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and possible application of it in clinical practice.


The big differential is to be conducted by a facilitator who learned the protocol with the creator of the methodology.

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Program content

15/08/23 - Presentation, Chapter1 and 2 - The development and foundations of DBT PE and target population.


08/29/23 - Chapter 3 and 4 - Preparing the DBT PE scenario in pretreatment and reaching security, stability and skills in stage 1.


12/09/23 - Chapter 5 and 6 - Building motivation for DBT PE and determining the readiness for DBT P.


09/26/23 - Chapter 7 - Preparing for the beginning of DBT Fr.


10/10/23 - Chapter 8 - Session 1


10/24/23 - Chapter 9 - Session 2

07/11/23 - Chapter10 and 11 - Joint and family sessions and session 3


11/21/23 - Chapter12 - Intermediate Sessions


05/12/23 - Chapter13 - Final Session


19/12/23 - Chapter14 - anticipating factors that interfere with problem solving


09/01/24 - Chapter15 and 16 - Having as specific targets related to trauma and working with different types of trauma


23/01/24 - Chapter17 and 18– Treating various populations and stage 3 and beyond.

  • Total workload


  • Period

    Billion frequency - 6 month contract


  • Investimento

    R$175,00 em 6x
  • À vista

    R$945,00 (10% de desconto)
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