Stand still in January? No way! CEFI has great options for those who want to get ahead 2018

- Core Course: Mourning the Individual and Family 33rd Class: presents key concepts about attachment and loss and current models of understanding the grief process, as well as tools for intervention.
- Introduction to Contextual Therapies 3rd Class: We will present the theoretical basis of Contextual Behavior Therapies, Mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Functional Analytic Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
- Improvement Course in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT): presents the model of psychotherapy that is within the so-called contextual therapies, using some components of cognitive therapy and a strong influence of Mindfullnes (Full Consciousness). ).
Enrollment is already open. Want to know more? Call 51 99420.7008 or go to