Cefi College


Event in Cuiabá! Come for Course Presentation Brunch - Third Generation Contextual Therapies

In this informative meeting with the interested parties, the course proposal will be presented and the participants will have the opportunity to know more details about the Third Generation Contextual Therapies. In addition, information will be provided on the structure, operation, program and other important aspects of the course, which in Porto Alegre is in the third class and in Cuiabá will be the first class. Participation in this meeting is free of charge and completely without obligation to enroll in the course. Brunch will be at 9:30 am at the Delmond hotel. André Maggi Av. 1980 - Cuiabá and has limited capacity, so it is important to register through the phone 65-99109911 or ceficuiaba@cefipoa.com.br.