Cefi College


Cuiabá - Come for the Specialization in Systemic Therapy

The Systemic Therapy course with individuals, couples and families is a pioneer in Mato Grosso. This will be the thirteenth specialization class, which started in 2005. Systemic Therapy understands that the individual influences and is influenced by their relationships and that their behaviors are associated with the various contexts in which they are inserted.
Specialization offers theoretical classes, practices and experiences for psychologists, doctors and social workers. The goal is to prepare these professionals to intervene preventively and therapeutically in crisis situations of couples and families. The course is recognized by MEC and ABRATEF - Brazilian Association of Family Therapy. It's a two-year course with classes on one weekend a month.
You can get more information by calling (65) 99910 9911 (whatsApp), by email at teaching@cefipoa.com.br or by visiting the course link http://bit.ly/2fpvTh1