Cefi College


Cuiaba - Lecture on Marital Myths

In addition to talking about the courses, psychologist Adriana Zilberman will give a talk on Marital Myths.
Adriana Zilberman - Master in Social and Personality Psychology at PUCRS; Specialist in Clinical Psychology by the Federal Council of Psychology; Individual, Couple and Family Therapist, Director, Teacher and Supervisor of CEFI; Cognitive Behavior Therapy Specialist at FACCAT; Has a background in Contextual Behavior Therapies from CEFI; CORA Coordinator - CEFI Mourning Center; Group Coordinator at SBDG.

There will be on-site promotions, with a 50% off course registration fee for those who take place on-site.

Admission is free and you can find out more at (65) 99910-9911