Cefi College


Outreach Knowledge - learn more about the behavioral therapeutic approach based on love, courage and awareness

Some studies have shown that those who do not maintain meaningful lifelong interpersonal relationships die earlier than those who can build those relationships. It is a fact that life makes a lot more sense when we have important people close to us who we love to share our lives.

However, it is not so simple to establish intimate and meaningful relationships. Who has never had an interpersonal conflict, or felt alone? Or would you simply like to have deeper relationships, with more connection and intimacy?

FAP works to assist in building more intimate, valuable and deep interpersonal relationships through the therapeutic relationship, which is the heart of this therapy.

Join in this Solidarity Knowledge and learn a little more about this behavioral therapeutic approach based on love, courage and conscience. The event will be on December 7 at CEFI Porto Alegre. Bring a toy to brighten up Christmas for needy children. Register by calling 51 3346.1525 or by visiting www.cefipoa.com.br