Cefi College


Learn about the work of the CEFI Adult Group

Emotional Disruption, Chemical Addiction, Depression, and Bipolar, Eating, and Personality Disorders are problems faced by many people. But no one has to go through all this alone. With this in mind, CEFI's Contextus Center has been doing group work since last year with great results. The adult course is based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy. DBT is used very successfully in all of these situations, emphasizing the balance between acceptance and change in promoting a life worth living.

Meetings are weekly, two hours and twenty minutes long. The entire program is 9 months old and is divided into four modules, which aims to train skills in: Full Awareness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotional Regulation and Radical Acceptance.

To be part of the group, the patient must be undergoing individual therapy, and their psychotherapist must be available to talk to the group coordinators if necessary. If you were interested, schedule an appointment at 51 3346.1525.