Cefi College


Meet the CEFI Teen Group

Adolescence is a phase of intense physical, emotional and intellectual change. The search for an identity and increased social interaction can be accompanied by psychological distress and risky behaviors. To help during this period, CEFI created the Adolescent DBT Skills Training Group. A specific program for teenagers who experience emotional difficulties. This is not a group therapy, but a course that teaches how to improve the quality of life, giving more security in challenging situations to avoid risky conduct or exposure. The work is based on Dialectic Behavior Therapy (DBT), which , for adolescents, is very effective in treating depression and in conditions where there are risky behaviors, such as problematic use of substances, eating disorders, self-injuries, among other difficulties. To participate you must be doing or being referred for individual therapy. Interested? Schedule an appointment at 51 3346.1525.