Cefi College


Check out the second semester courses in Porto Alegre

The second semester promises an intense program of courses for those seeking more qualification to work in the clinical area. CEFI has two specialization courses and two open enrollment courses in Porto Alegre.

Specialization in Systemic Therapy with Individuals, Couples and Families enables professionals to intervene preventively and therapeutically in crisis situations. Psychologists, doctors and social workers can apply. It's 500 hours / class with biweekly meetings on Saturdays.

Another opportunity is the Specialization: Intervention in situations of mourning, pioneer in Rio Grande do Sul. It is open to health professionals and lasts 3 semesters. The course will prepare the student to work in this period of pain and suffering with individuals, families, groups and teams of carers.

If you are looking for new knowledge but want something shorter, a great option is the improvement courses.

In the course - Family Approach to Chemical Addiction - professionals and students from health, education, law and other sectors who work with alcohol and other drug abuse are trained to serve the dependent and their families. They learn techniques that will strengthen bonds and support the family and patient in the struggle for abstinence. The meetings are fortnightly lasting 5 months.

If you are a psychologist or student from the 7th semester onwards, you can enroll in the Psychological Assessment course. The objective is to present the evaluation techniques and their instruments to qualify this important stage of the beginning of the treatment of children, adolescents and adults in different contexts. 200 hours / class with weekly meetings.

Complete information about the courses is on our website www.cefipoa.com.br. You can also contact us at (51) 3346.1525. We are waiting!