Cefi College


How to negotiate limits with children at Carnival

Carnival coming, jokes, leisure, typical pleasures of this time of year. For those with teenage children, special attention is required. Parents are lost, do not know what to do or give in to the arguments of young people who say that 'everyone does'. Are we experiencing a period of disconnection in families? Or lack of law in the institutions? It is increasingly common to see the degradation of drunk young people. What will it be like at carnival? For parents wishing to encourage a healthy carnival party for their children under 18, here are some tips:

1) Take and pick up your children, no matter the time, no matter the location;

2) Take and seek the friends of your children, open your house for them, see how they behave;

3) Set a time for the lap;

4) Do not allow your child to go to the 'concentrates' in other homes unless you know the parents or homeowners, and make sure they will not release alcohol. . Did you know that you can report to the prosecutors any homeowners who offer alcohol to children under 18?

5) Provide leisure activities throughout the day, so that moments of pleasure extend beyond friends, a well-deserved fun among the family!

And a good carnival to all!