Cefi College


CEFI invites to the SYS Study Group

SYS Study Group: Updates on Systemic Therapy Practices

Group hours: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Thematic Date Suggested Base Text *
08/08 Current Family Views: Diversity and Complexity Chapter 2. Clinical Views of Normality, Health, and Family Dysfunction
13/09 Modern Challenges: Family Core Formation Chapter 18. Normative family transitions, quality of couple relationships, and healthy development of children
04/10 Resilience Chapter 17. Family resilience
08/11 Evaluation in therapy Chapter 21. Evaluation of marital and family functioning < 06/12 Spirituality in Therapy Chapter 15. The Spiritual Dimension of Family Life

• Open for Professionals and Students - Valid as Complementary Hours!
• Also interesting for students of specialization for delving into topics brought into class!
• The base texts will be the book chapters:
Walsh, F. (2016). Family normative processes: diversity and complexity. Artmed Publisher.
• Complementary materials will be made available by the speakers in advance - Several Speakers
• Investment per meeting: R $ 50,00 - If package with 5 meetings - 20% discount - R $ 200,00