Carmen Beatriz Neufeld will take the inaugural specialization class at CCT 2018

It is with great pleasure that CEFI starts, in April 2018, the 14th class of the Specialization Course in Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and to open with a golden key, the presence of Professor Carmem Beatriz Neufeld conducting the inaugural class in April 6th and 7th. Carmen holds a postdoctoral degree in psychology from UFRJ and a doctorate degree in psychology and a master's degree in social and personality psychology from PUCRS. She is a professor and coordinator of USP's Cognitive Behavioral Research and Intervention Laboratory and vice president of the Latin American Association of Cognitive Psychotherapies (ALAPCO).
Enrollment is already open and places are limited. CBT is very effectively applied to treat the most common disorders, in addition to addressing couples and families, children, adolescents and groups. The course syllabus also includes some advanced and complementary modules - Schema Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness and DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) Learn more at 51 3346.1525 or visit / en / in-house / cognitive-behavioral therapy-specialization course - 8