Cefi College


Redemption Action on 9/24 - Let's talk about suicide?

CEFI - Center for Family and Individual Studies in Yellow September

CORA - CEFI's Mourning Center - will conduct an orientation action on suicide in the Redenção Park, in Porto Alegre. Experts will provide guidance and clarification on the topic, focusing on suicide prevention. According to the 2017 Yellow September Campaign, over 1 million people die from suicide each year worldwide.

The Center for Family and Individual Studies offers specialized psychological and psychiatric care in bereavement. In addition, CEFI is a reference in postgraduate and further training courses for healthcare professionals who want to work in this area.

Check out some CORA tips for parents of teenagers:

- Pay attention to your child, talk about life, about football, about love, the future, movies, theater, video games, sex, relationships, friendships, music - you might be surprised to meet him.

- Respect the differences that exist between you. Tell him where your opinions and positions come from. Listen and learn together!

- Maintain a routine communication channel - Whatsapp, Facebook, Message, Call, Breakfast, Lunch. Establish a dialogue without judgment or charge. The conversation only exists if the parties have a chance to talk and listen.

- Know where he is, with whom, doing and what. Children are the responsibility of parents, do not transfer it to anyone. Yes, they owe you satisfaction! Notice how and who your child's friendships are. Meet the people with whom he relates.

- Remember that in adolescence everything is intense and may seem final - do not disregard your child's feelings. Ask if he is ok? Talk about your concern for him, your feelings, and your presence for whatever comes and goes. Remember: growing up can be very painful and everything can calm down if you are truly together.

- Remember: sadness hurts. Know that sadness is not depression. Recognize sadness as part of the many griefs that adolescence represents. Sadness gives and passes. Depression persists. Bear in mind that depression is not freshness, nor lack of things to do, nor desire to draw attention. Depression makes it difficult to find ways out of problems.

- Pay attention to behavioral changes - not all of them are "part of the phase" and may indicate that something is happening.

- There is a big difference in wanting to kill yourself and wanting to die (to stop suffering for some reason or get out of an awkward situation). Talk about this with your child - talk about frustration, tolerance, persistence. Tell us that life is not always as we planned, that sometimes it works and many others go wrong and this is the way to live!

- Do not hesitate to seek help from a professional you trust, if in doubt parents learn to be parents with children. Doubts are part of this process.

Suicide will also be addressed at the 1st CEFI Congress - Integrating Different Approaches. The event will take place at the Embaixador Hotel from September 28th to 30th, in Porto Alegre. Registration is open at: congressocefi.com.br

Service: Action in Redemption on 9/24 - Let's talk about suicide? From 8am to 6pm.