Cefi College


The CORA team - CEFI's grieving core - is engaged in the Yellow September Campaign

September is Suicide Prevention Month, which is a delicate and complex topic. Today we know that suicide is a very serious public health issue and far from being solved with linear and simplistic attitudes. The causes of this act are multifactorial and we can identify risk factors and protective factors that can help in understanding the dynamics of suicide and in possible and appropriate interventions.

It is essential that health professionals have the knowledge and preparation to identify these factors to prevent and treat people at suicidal risk. Myths are also identified around this theme, which can make it difficult to properly seek help, such as: "those who do not threaten much" or "always give clues". Nothing else, each case is one and often family and friends are surprised by this drama and need to live with mixed feelings of pain, anger and guilt. Yes, for the grieving process of suicide by an important person generates intensely confusing and ambivalent emotions that can lead to complicated grief. And in most cases, the person before taking his life seeks some help or puts himself at risk.

It is also estimated that for act achieved, there are 8 to 10 unsuccessful attempts. We have a lot to do in the prevention and treatment of suicide. This Yellow September campaign is one of the important actions to make the population aware of this serious problem, which directly or indirectly affects all of us, remembering that small and large actions are necessary to stop the growing increase in suicides. Let's do our part! More information about CORA at www.cefipoa.com.br