Cefi College


March 8 - It's a day of struggle and appreciation of the achievements and battles fought by women

March 8: International Women's Day

March 8th, marked in so many contexts by compliments to women, roses and gifts, is actually much bigger than that! It is a day of struggle and appreciation of the achievements and battles fought by women for years in our society.

Turning to the history books, we will see contexts in which the role of women was rigidly delimited, in which women were expected to marry, to be housewives, responsible for their husbands and children. With the advancement of feminist times and struggles, women have been conquering other spaces in our society, entering the job market, being able to make choices about what kind of family they are looking for, whether or not they have children, whether or not to stay at home. .

However, daily, women face oppression, abuse and discrimination in a still very macho and patriarchal society. May this March 8th look at the women around us and remember that the date is bigger than a celebration. It is a possibility to bring up the discussion of the role of women in the society we have and that we seek.

CORA and CEFI congratulate all women on their personal and social struggles and wish that this date could serve to leverage the advances we all want in seeking a society with less discrimination and more equality.
Text written by Paula Portugal
Psychologist; member of CORA