Cefi College


10 years CEFI CUIABÁ with news!

CEFI celebrates 10 years of operations in Cuiabá with three specialization courses. And it's new!

For the first time the city will receive the Specialization or Training Course in Third Generation Contextual Therapies. A new form of treatment that is becoming increasingly important. The proposal is the reconstruction of the patient's life horizon from the acceptance of suffering and the search for values. The course is recognized by MEC and classes start in February.

Another specialization that begins in February is the Mourning Intervention Course. Pioneer in Mato Grosso and certified by MEC, the course presents historical and psychosocial aspects, the formation and breaking of bonds, as well as the best techniques for the therapist's intervention in these situations.

In March, the Specialization in Systemic Therapy with Individuals, Couples and Families begins. The course is recognized by MEC and is already in the eleventh class in Cuiabá. Systemic Therapy understands that the individual influences and is influenced by their relationships. In specialization, the therapist will learn theories and techniques for treatment, which goes beyond the patient's complaint and places greater attention on how problems and situations develop.