Cefi College

Racism and discrimination. Help tools from dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)

1. Bernal G, Jiménez-Chafey MI, Domenech Rodríguez MM. Cultural adaptation of treatments: a resource for considering culture in evidence-based practice. Prof Psychol Res Pr 2009 Aug;40(4):361-368 [doi: 10.1037/a0016401]
2. Haft SL, O'Grady SM, Shaller EA, Liu NH. Cultural adaptations of dialectical behavior therapy: a systematic review. J Consult Clin Psychol 2022 Oct;90(10):787- 801 [FREE Full text] [doi: 10.1037/ccp0000730] [Medline: 35420839]
3. Pierson, A.M., Arunagiri, V., Bond D.M., “You Didn’t Cause Racism, and You Have to Solve it Anyways”: Antiracist Adaptations to Dialectical Behavior Therapy for White Therapists, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, Volume 29, Issue 4, 2022, Pages 796-815, ISSN 1077-7229, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpra.2021.11.001.

Racism and discrimination. Help tools from dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
Enroll in the course
  • Target Audience:

    Psychologists, psychiatrists, education and health professionals.

  • Total workload

    4 hours

  • Period

    Wednesday, June 26, 2024.


  • Profissionais

    R$350,00 em até 2x no cartão.
  • Alunos de graduação e Família CEFI/FACEFI
