Cefi College

Systemic Therapy

Individual, conjugal and family systemic therapy - Cuiabá

Since 1989, when it began, this course has been enabled and empowering professionals to intervent preventive and therapeutically in situations of couples and families, through theoretical-practical and experiential methodology. It covers aspects of different theoretical lines, distinct schools of family therapy; structure and family dynamics; theory of crisis and typology, formation of symptoms; diagnosis and clinical intervention strategies; etc. The CEFI is affiliated with Abratef (Brazilian Association of Family Therapy), has already formed more than 80 classes and there are several in progress. In addition to Porto Alegre, the course already occurred in Caxias do Sul and Santa Rosa, Pelotas, SantaGelo, Cuiabá / MT, Sinop (MT).

* Supervision in unidirectional and team mirror;

* Highly qualified teachers with wide experience;

* Therapist self work;

* Specialization course recognized by the MEC and the Brazilian Association of Family Therapy (ABRAF).

*** Classes planned to start in person. If Cuvid-19's Situalization and Pandemic Restrictions change to the beginning of classes, classes may begin remotely.


Enable the professional for understanding and intervention in individuals, families and couples in the systemic approach.


* Theoretical classes - discussion of texts, presentation and videos debate, expository classes, sociodramatic resources, dynamics, group work.
* Practical and experiential classes - Simulations (roleplaying), discussion of clinical cases, debate of calls and movies, direct supervision (live service). Intervention.

Receive complete content and more information about the course!

Check out the certification by the MEC in: https: / /site.cfp.org.br/servicos/titulo-decialist/cursos-credentials/

Contact for information and inscriptions - Telephone (51) 3346-1525 / WhatsApp (51) 99420-7008 / Email: service@cefipoa.com.br

Cancellation of registration:The student requesting the cancellation of the course registration will have a period of seven days to reimburse the amount paid, term from the date of his payment. After this period, the registration value will not be returned.


Enable the professional for understanding and intervention in individuals, families and couples in the systemic approach.


Theoretical Classes - Discussion of texts, presentation and debate of videos, exhibition classes, sociodramatic resources, dynamics, group work.

Practical and Experiential Classes - Simulations (Roleplaying), Discussion of Clinical Cases, Video and Movie Video Debate, Direct Supervision Service (Live Service).

Therapist's self -work (PHOTO - Family of Origin of therapist and FAT - therapist's current family), dramatizations, training techniques.


General coordination: psyche. Adriana Zilberman and Pic. Mara Lins
Coordination of teaching: psyche. Maria Eliza Wilke Enroll in the course

Individual, conjugal and family systemic therapy - Cuiabá
Enroll in the course
  • Target Audience:

    Psychologists, doctors and social workers.

  • Total workload

    Specialization: 530 hours / class - 2 years ago

  • Period

    August 22 August 24 (holidays in the months of January and July


  • Taxa de Inscrição R$396,00

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