Cefi College

Therapy focused on emotions (EFT)

Level 2 Training: Emotional Focused Therapy (EFT) with couples

The Core Skills Training is the second level of training after the initial EFT internship or training ( Externship ). It is carried out by a smaller group and is divided into 4 levels. Each of these levels consists of deepening the knowledge of Emotional Focused Therapy with Couples acquired in the initial training and is based on techniques and skills considered essential for the efficient practice of EFT with couples. Participants practice basic interventions in small groups, with immediate feedback from other more experienced therapists.

One of the requirements to complete the Core Skills training level is to show a short video (10-15 minutes) of couples therapy and supervise it in small groups. At least a quarter of each day will be dedicated to viewing and practicing EFT through exercises, simulations or dramatizations and reviewing recordings of couple sessions.

Cancellation policy

Until 08/24/24 - 70% Return

Until 09/23/24 - 40% Return

from 24/09/24 -will not be returned (you can transfer registration to someone else).

Enroll in the course
Level 2 Training: Emotional Focused Therapy (EFT) with couples
Enroll in the course
  • Target Audience:

    Psychologists and Doctors

  • Total workload

    30 hours

  • Period

    1st Stage (Levels 1 and 2): From June 4 to 6, 2020, from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm / 2nd Stage (Levels 3 and 4): From 20 to 22 August, 2020, from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm


  • Até 31/10/23

    8 parcelas de R$ 680,00 ou À Vista com 8% de desconto.
  • A partir de 01/11/23

    5 parcelas de R$ 1.140,00 ou À Vista com 5% de desconto