Cefi College

Edusex Sexuality Center

Generations and sexualities

Supervision is a space for exchange of experience and clinical practice, both colleagues and coordination. Therefore, participation in this space proposes to articulate theory and practice from the reports brought by the participants, in order to improve their listening and intervention.


General objective

Expand listening and present clinical strategies, as well as appropriate techniques for each situation, if presented.

Specific Objectives:

Develop a listener attentive and sensitive to the demands in sexuality, beyond what is being said, but also in what is latent in the speech of individuals in emotional suffering, due to some dysfunctionality and/or discomfort in relation to their satisfaction and sexual health.


Cases presented, suggestion of readings and analysis from the report of experiences.


To enhance your care with a focus on human sexuality, listening, welcoming and realizing to what extent your issues are influencing the therapeutic process, as well as seeking resources to relieve anguish and anxiety of many professionals who have difficulty or want to expand management in the theme of sexuality.


Jamile Peixoto Pereira

Cancellation policy

until 10/22/2024-70% return

until 11/21/2024-40% return

from 11/22/2024 will not be returned (you can transfer registration to someone else.)

Enroll in the course
Generations and sexualities
Enroll in the course
  • Target Audience:

    Psychologists and doctors interested in the field of sexuality.

  • Total workload


  • Period

    06 and 07/12/2024 - Friday and Saturday


  • Demais Profissionais

    R$ 150,00
  • Família CEFI

    R$ 80,00