Adriana Zilberman

Adriana Zilberman

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Vale dos Rio dos Sinos (1989) and Master in Social and Personality Psychology from PUCRS (2002). Specialist in Individual, Double and Family Systemic Therapy by CEFI (1993); Specialist in Clinical Psychology from CFP (1999). Specialist in Cognitive Behavior Therapy by FACCAT (2010, RS). SBDG Group Dynamics Training (2008), CEFI Third Generation Contextual Therapy Training (2015) and Couples Emotion-Focused Therapy training with Sue Johnson (NY, 2016 and 2018). Scientific Director of the Gaucho Family Therapy Association (AGATEF) She is currently director, teacher and supervisor of the Postgraduate courses of the Center for Family and Individual Studies - CEFI, Coordinator of the Specialization Courses in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Intervention in Situations. Mourning, acting mainly on the following topics: family and couple, psychotherapy, grief and other family crises, groups. She is Coordinator of CORA (Center for Studies and Care for Mourning).